What is the most attractive colour for men?

May 20, 2024 - 13:20
What is the most attractive colour for men?

It is strange how, a few days ago, we were thinking about this question. Like, what color shirt suits guys the most? Why is it that when we see some men walking on the street, they don't stand out? And what color can they wear to make themselves more noticeable? Now look, here I am, getting the opportunity to express our views about this topic.

The answers to these questions are not that simple. If we had all the power in this world to influence, the next time you would have gone for a walk down the street, you would have seen all the men in white, light pink, or light blue (you get the drift). And yes, pastels look delicious on most men, but not everyone! 

Color is a very subjective matter that largely depends on different skin tones. Even if the world we primarily live in broadly falls under the categories of white, black, brown, yellow, etc., the distinctions do not end there. To explain it better, let's head to a makeup store. You will see many shades and types of foundations. You will see this only because the foundation for a person is not chosen only based on that person's skin color but also based on that person’s skin undertone. For instance, if one has a light skin color, that person can have a pink or yellow skin undertone. So, if that person buys a foundation that doesn't resemble his/her skin undertone, then it might just end up looking a little odd. Now, who wants that? 

So, based on that theory, I would say that men can look good in any colored shirt or pants available on the market, but only if they choose the correct color according to their skin tone. Yes, it’s a science or an art, depending on how you look at it, and there are many fashion designers and stylists who have to dip deep into this matter to make their style extra appealing universally. So, now the question is: how much effort are you going to make to understand and develop your style?

When we dove a little further into the matter, we figured that there are three types of skin undertones: warm, cool, and neutral (take this quick quiz if this is feeling like jargon to you: (https://stylecaster.com/cool-warm-skin-undertones/). For people who have a warm skin tone, colors like yellow, peach, and golden are great. People who have cool skin undertones should wear colors like pink, red, and blue. And for people who have neutral skin undertones, a mix of both warm and cool colors does the trick. 

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