Tips for Solo Woman Travelers In India

Discover essential tips and guidance tailored for solo female travelers exploring India's rich cultural tapestry and diverse landscapes.

May 27, 2024 - 16:42
Jul 4, 2024 - 17:04
Tips for Solo Woman Travelers In India

The most enjoyable way to experience a lifestyle while learning about other cultures is through travel, which also helps you realize who you are when you go alone. But being ready before a trip is important—and we're not just talking about bringing clothes and equipment.  We are also talking about the psychological, physical, and economic aspects. Moreover, you need to pay special attention to these factors if you are planning a solo adventure. Usually, all travelers, male or female, need to plan for any solo trip, but they also need to keep certain extra points in mind. Let’s face it, ‘Women’ is a sensitive topic everywhere in the world, and the world hasn’t yet found a standard way of handling them. Every culture, religion, and place in the world has its own standards and values bestowed upon them, and women are expected to follow and respect them. As a solo woman traveler, you need to be a little more sensitive regarding these standards than a solo man traveler. In this case, we all need to admit that men have gotten things quite easier as the social standards required of them are basic. With that, let’s dive into some tips and tricks that women need to know before going on a solo trip:

Decide destination:

All cities are not alike. You need to first do some research regarding which city to choose for solo travel. The best way to do that is to check out the crime rate in different cities and then decide on a suitable destination. However, for safety reasons, don’t sacrifice your interests and knowledge. Search for various tourist attractions, historical landmarks, or street food markets that interest you and from which you can gain some knowledge. 

Book the transport: 

If it’s your first time taking a solo trip, then booking the train, bus, or flight tickets is the first and most important hurdle that you need to cross. Till that point, you might still doubt your capabilities for taking a trip alone. Booking the travel tickets will give you the much-needed push.


After you have booked the transportation tickets, the second thing you need to do is book a hotel. Booking a hotel will give you a sense of groundedness when you enter your chosen, unknown, yet adventurous land. Otherwise, you might feel confused, scared, and anxious. Though you can take the help of various booking sites, I would recommend that you talk to the hotel in charge over the phone and take their name before making your confirmation. By doing this, you will first get to know some people there, and second, you will get to know the place where you are planning to stay, a little better. Additionally, by talking to a few people there, you will be able to understand the temperament of the people in that city. 


I know we all have internet and can use Google Maps at any time, but there are still some places in India, where you can’t find proper signals. So, you need to be prepared for the worst. Take screenshots of the key areas. For instance, take a screenshot of the roadmap from the train station, bus stand, or airport to your hotel. Take a screenshot of the area around your hotel, and while doing that, look out for nearby grocery shops, cafes, and restaurants. You could also take some screenshots of the areas that you want to visit or explore. It is not necessary, but you could print them out and attach them to your travel log diary. 

Traveling uniform: 

The idea here is not only to take clothes that will protect you from the weather but also to help you blend in with the crowd. You might think, Why do you need to bend in the crowd?- It is because letting strangers know in an unfamiliar land that you are all alone, might not be a good idea. Here, the danger is not only about attracting sexual predators but also about attracting tourist scammers, thieves, pickpockets, or anyone with negative intentions. So, by wearing similar/common clothes, you might be able to avoid such negative situations. The best way you can blend in is by wearing common-tone clothes like red, black, brown, off-white, etc. Additionally, Salwar and Kurtas are the most widely worn clothing items by women in India, so you can also wear them to blend in.  

Bag and Gears:

When traveling alone, you must not carry heavy luggage, as it will do nothing but weigh you down and give you more reasons to be anxious. So, carry only bare minimum necessities, like two to three pairs of clothes, shoes, a stall, a jacket, etc. The idea here is to carry those items that you need. However, if you worry that you will not be carrying enough items, remember that you can always shop at the destination you choose. Either way, you also need to make some space for souvenirs that you can gift to your family and friends. If you are carrying expensive items like cameras and mobile phones, keep them in a secure place close to yourself. Additionally, carry compact bags with a complex opening system. By carrying such a bag, first, you will be able to carry your bag everywhere you go, for instance, in a small bathroom, and second, the complex opening will make your bag pickpocket-proof. Check out the small travel bag options at the link given below. 

Prepare your mind: 

If you're the kind of person who finds challenging to travel alone, then going for a solo vacation could not have been the best decision for you. Alternatively, I suggest that you take a solitary journey and discover your true self.  Taking a solo trip will make you learn the art of relying on yourself. You will learn to listen to your instincts and follow them. Until then, ‘fake it till you make it’. Don’t let anyone know that you have no idea about the place. Don’t allow anyone to catch you off guard: Be alert about your surroundings and be responsible towards yourself. Additionally, start to work out three weeks before your trip. You might not realize it, but working out makes our minds more alert. Plus, working helps our bodies stay strong and helps us adapt to environmental changes quickly. 

Safety Tips: 

First and foremost, share the plan with your loved ones. Second, for a safety measure, always have spraying pepper or a pointed item on hand, such as a pen. Additionally, you may turn on the live location feature and share it with a person you can trust. The most crucial piece of advice for safety is to trust your gut when it comes to individuals. Talk to someone else and discover ways to get out of that situation if you have any feeling that you might not be an honorable individual. Remain cautious when extending too much faith to anyone, and never accept complimentary food or beverages from strangers. Carry some spare cash in your bag.  
Now that you have read through all the tips that you need to know before you take a solo trip, Have you decided where you are going to go for a trip yet? Or are you still scared? Either way, do learn to love yourself and cherish your own company. Follow your instincts, and maybe tomorrow you will find yourself on a bus to one of your favorite destinations.  

Happy journey to discovering yourself!

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